Q. What is mastering?

A. Mastering is the bridge between your music’s production and distribution. Its main roles are quality control, removing the last ‘mistakes’, making an album consistent in terms of color, width, depth and volume, and adding that midas touch that will make your record going from a good sounding one to great sounding one.


Q. do you practice stem mastering?

A. Yes, up to four or five stems. I prefer stereo mastering tough, as I believe I am fairly quickly less “transparent” when doing stem mastering, sometimes artists just want/need a bit more of my imprint.


Q. how should i export my music?

A. Please bounce your final mixdown(s) in the sample rate your recorded/worked at, 24 or 32 bits. Please allow a few seconds before and after each track. Please pay attention to the way you name the files too. There is a form to fill when you book a session too, taking a minute to fill it can save some time and extra emails.


Q. do you master for vinyl?

A. Yes. I can also deliver vinyl pre-masters in case you want your lacquers cut somewhere else.


Q. how do I send my files?

A. https://bit.ly/TheWallUploadLink , but I don’t mind receiving files from another transfer service.


Q. Do you charge for revisions?

A. No, unless there’s a mix change.

q. do you master for streaming?

A. I don’t believe at all in mastering for streaming. Youtube, Spotify, Deezer, you name it…can change their targets tomorrow and you’ll be screwed. Unless you give me a specific loudness target, I will always master for what I believe is the right balance between dynamics, density, depth and loudness for the specific project I’m working on. But in the end it’s your music and even though I’m here to give you a technical expertise, you’re the boss!